
Terms and Conditions


The terms and conditions described herein apply to all services, and programs booked with LATIN TOURS. hereinafter referred to as “Latin Tours”. These terms and conditions shall also apply to any third-party program or services sold or arranged by Latin tours. Any trip member, traveler, customer or any person or company that hires services shall be referred to as “user”. The user of Latin tours services agrees to be bound by the present “Terms and Conditions” and any other change that might be updated in the future on the website at , which are valid at the time the service is provided. Any deposit or payment for services to Latin tours constitutes joint acceptance by the customer and the end user of terms and conditions described in the present document. All users of Latin tours services are responsible for reading and understanding this section.


LATIN TOURS published rates are GROSS. Airfares, taxes, and extra charges are NET. Exceptions may apply. LATIN TOURS rates are guaranteed for the stated period, unless there are steep increases in prices for fuel and logistics, international or local policies and government regulations, exchange rate fluctuations or any other event affecting the operation beyond Latin tours control. If there is any adjustment, it shall be reported when a firm booking with full payment is received. All items not specifically included in the itinerary must be paid directly by the passenger. LATIN TOURS accepts no responsibility for discrepancies between verbal quotes and written quotes. After full payment has been made, all information contained on Latin tours voucher of services and/or invoice is considered correct.

Sales performance is constantly monitored and, if goals are not reached, LATIN TOURS reserves the right to revise net rates for any new booking or space held without the required deposit.


LATIN TOURS must be advised in writing about all reservation requests, changes in reservation, deposits and/or payment. Reservations shall be confirmed when total payment is credited to “Latin Tours” accounts. The client is also responsible for double-checking vouchers and pro forma invoices quoted by LATIN TOURS.

For groups and charters, monthly sales reports are mandatory: number of passengers, type of cabins/rooms, must be updated in writing. If a group size increase is requested, spaces will have priority for confirmation according to availability. If sales report is not received during the first 10 days of the month, LATIN TOURS reserves the right to reduce the spaces when occupation is high. No groups, charters or space allocations can be held during holidays such as Easter, Christmas and New Year periods due to limited availability; spaces will be granted for individual passengers with full payment.

  • Submit passengers’ information: Once a reservation is confirmed, rooming list and passengers’ information must be submitted exactly as shown in the passport. To issue final confirmation of services final rooming list and passengers’ data must be submitted up to 61 days before the tour date. 

Use the Excel format sent with each confirmation and fill it out with the passenger’s information data.  No other chart or format can be used for this purpose.

1.2 Waiver of Liability forms duly signed are required along with passport´s copy in the following cases:

  1. a)Children under 12 years old; along with a copy of legal representative´s passport.
  2. b)Passengers with special needs including physical disabilities or health problems: For passengers and suppliers´ safety, LATIN TOURS reserves the right to decline the provision of services in case physical condition information has been distorted, or omitted.

1.3 Special requirements: Diet or allergy requests should be notified on the passengers’ information form to LATIN TOURS up to 61 days before tour departure date. LATIN TOURS shall do its very best to meet reasonable special dietary needs; some, however, cannot be guaranteed.  In certain cases, LATIN TOURS might need further information such as height, weight, physical condition, etc., to be able to provide the best accommodation and services for the user.


LATIN TOURS shall proceed to book space when deposit/payment conditions are fulfilled. All payments must be made to Latin tours accounts within the time-limits indicated, otherwise the space that has been booked could automatically be released, deposits forfeited, or might be listed on first pay/first served basis. A yearly floating deposit might replace individual ones. Ask for particular conditions.

All changes and cancellations must be notified in writing to be considered and accepted by LATIN TOURS; the user must request a written confirmation from Latin tours side informing that the cancellation notice was received and that spaces have been released accordingly. Penalties might apply.  The cancellation fees shall be debited automatically from the deposits or payments. If a booking agent guarantees a reservation without payment, the invoice must be honored in case services are cancelled. Remaining balances shall be credited to future bookings with a credit note, or will be used as a part-payment for the spaces that remain held if any.

Last minute requests: Priority is given after full payment is credited on a first paid/first served basis.

Cancellations and penalties:

–    301 days prior to departure a charter can be released without penalty.

–    180 – 91 days prior to departure, 50% deposit is forfeited.

– 90 – 0 days prior to the departure, full cancellation fees apply.

  1. c) Promotional deals (non-refundable)

Immediate non-refundable full payment is mandatory. Special deals apply to new bookings only. Spaces are limited.  Promo deals might be modified or withdrawn without previous notice. Different offers cannot be combined.

2.2 Third party services

– Land services:  Individual operation, payment and cancellation conditions apply for each supplier.

– Air tickets:  shall be processed only when the requests are in firm and tickets will be issued only with full payment. 

– If the booking is cancelled within 30 days prior to the beginning of the tour, 20% of the total negotiated rate will be charged.

– Taxes and entrance fees are refundable up to 10 days prior to travel date.

2.3 Payment Process

Payments can be made only to the account specified by Latin tours in U.S. Dollars.

Major credit cards and PayPal payments are accepted, request for conditions. Any extra expense for transferring funds must be covered by the user and included in the payment. LATIN TOURS must receive notice of payment to be able to check when money was credited. Booking shall be confirmed once the money has been completely deposited into Latin tours accounts. Otherwise, LATIN TOURS reserves the right to render the requested services, place said booking under request, refuse services, or request payment directly from the passenger, who is held jointly liable for all terms and conditions stated in these policies and in our agreements or quotations. Priority shall be given to bookings that have been paid in full. Services shall be confirmed on a first paid/first served basis.

2.4 Refunds and compensation

As a basic principle, no refund will be made for any unused service such as hotel or cruise accommodation, service or transportation. If a refund is obtained, however, there may be a fee withheld for administrative charges.

Latin tours responsibility will not extend beyond this refund, and no payments will be made, or compensation given, in respect to claims for contingent liability or inconvenience experienced by users. No refund can be made for lost, mislaid, or destroyed tickets or vouchers, or for lost property.

Any complaint the user might have while on holiday, must be expressed in writing by the passenger and addressed to Latin tours main office within 30 days of the termination of the tour, in order to duly process it. The complaint must also be expressed on the comment cards provided by LATIN TOURS for mainland services or cruises, and include supporting documentation. LATIN TOURS shall not accept responsibility for claims received after this period.

No claim or refund will be granted for any extra or optional service that for any reason could not be provided.

No refunds shall be made for any missed service or extra expenses except for those where it is possible to substantiate that they were the operator’s responsibility. Any adjustment shall be considered only on the basis of the current prices directly involved.

LATIN TOURS will not be held liable for any consequences or expenses incurred for any changes, cancellations, accidents, injury, death, etc., caused by any disability, whether it has been reported to LATIN TOURS or not. No refund will be forthcoming for missed sightseeing or meals, early/late departures or visits that were not enjoyed by the user.

All refunds shall be endorsed by a credit note to future bookings.

LATIN TOURS is not liable for complaints or refunds for services not provided when the information detailed as “special requirements” on 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 is not sent, or does not arrive on time, or due to limitations of the properties involved such as during high occupancy departures, when a cabin/room category for double share, single, and triple accommodation, cannot be guaranteed. Should a passenger’s accommodation be changed, the customer will be contacted prior to the scheduled departure date and LATIN TOURS will refund the proportional amount due to price difference, if any, for alternative service, category, or accommodation given.


LATIN TOURS complies with all national tourism regulations. All guides are highly knowledgeable of all areas that the passengers will be visiting as part of the programmed itineraries.  LATIN TOURS provides tourists with experienced guides who are fluent in English and Spanish.  German, Italian and French guides are provided only if available, when groups exceed 6 passengers on board LATIN TOURS fleet, conditioned to a non-refundable deposit.  The guide may provide assistance, information and interpretation in two or more languages at the same time.  No refund nor compensation will be made if at the time of tour the guide in that language was not provided.

Tourists must facilitate the work of guides and drivers by complying with the following: handing over vouchers when requested, respecting pickup times when transfers are required, and complying with local rules and regulations and all instructions that are given.

The customer recognizes that any local or foreign group leader being provided by the customer is not allowed to operate and act as a guide. The group leader must comply with all requests put forth by the local guide authorized by LATIN TOURS, and will otherwise be able to coordinate all steps in accordance with contract terms.

Group leaders shall not be able to change the itineraries presented by LATIN TOURS, or other itineraries operated by LATIN TOURS, without the prior written authorization of LATIN TOURS. Group leaders are forbidden to offer alcoholic beverages or any other substances to guides, drivers, crew members, or any other staff member of the tour.



It is obligatory for all passengers using any LATIN TOURS services or third-party services arranged by LATIN TOURS to obtain necessary insurance before arriving in Perú. Insurance is not included on LATIN TOURS cruises and tours. We highly recommend coverage for travelers and property, as well as for trip delays, trip cancellations, interruptions, lost baggage, life insurance, medical, accident, sickness, etc.. LATIN TOURS equipment meets local insurance law requirements for their operation only.

–    LATIN TOURS reserves the right to refuse, revoke, accept or prevent the further participation of any person whose actions impede trip operations, or jeopardize the rights, or welfare, of other groups members or interfere with their enjoyment of the trip, who might be a hazard to himself/herself and others, harm nature, or violate regulations. LATIN TOURS also reserves the right to refuse, revoke, accept or prevent the further participation of any person it deems incapable of withstanding the hardships or meeting the requirements of participating in the activities that have been planned or contracted.

–    LATIN TOURS shall not be required to refund any portion of the rate paid by any passenger who must leave the cruise, or mainland service prematurely, for any of the reasons specified above. Therefore, LATIN TOURS will not be responsible for accommodations, meals, return transportation or other expenses incurred by the passenger for these reasons.

–    LATIN TOURS shall not be held liable for the actions or activities of any passenger who consumes, purchases, or obtains, by any means, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs. Illegal drugs are strictly forbidden on board or during Latin tours mainland excursions. Illegal drug possession shall be reported immediately. If detected, the cruise or tour will be terminated immediately for that person and all money paid forfeited.

Any physical disability or health problem that might require special attention or treatment, should be reported in writing to LATIN TOURS. In these cases, LATIN TOURS reserves the right to decline the provision of services.

–    LATIN TOURS will not be held liable for any consequences, or expenses, incurred for any changes, cancellations, accidents, injury, death, etc., caused by any disability, whether it has been reported to LATIN TOURS, or not.

No refund is applicable for missed sightseeing, meals, early/late departures and visits that were not enjoyed by the user. LATIN TOURS shall not be held liable for the provision of medical care during the trip.


LATIN TOURS acts only as the agent for the owners, contractors and suppliers, providing means of transportation and/or related travel services including adventure sports and scuba diving activities, and therefore it cannot be held liable for injury, loss, or damage to person or property in connection with any service resulting directly or indirectly from, but not confined to, detention, annoyance, delays and expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, pilferage, theft, force majeure, failure of any means of transportation, or conveyance to arrive and depart as scheduled; civil disturbances, terrorism, government restrictions or regulations, and in-transit discrepancies or changes on aircrafts, cruises, hotels and any other services or location, for incidents such as airline cancellations, re-routing, delay, or any disruptions of schedule, service or accommodation, for baggage lost by airlines or the independent tour operators who handle overland transfers or arrangements.

–    LATIN TOURS is not responsible if a transfer, hotel accommodation, flight connection, or any other service is missed due to delayed or cancelled flights. Alternative transportation, hotel accommodation, additional services or flight reschedule shall be arranged and paid directly by the passenger, or through the issuing Travel Agent.

–    LATIN TOURS is not responsible for the acts and/or omissions of providers (third-parties) or for any loss, damage, or expense the user may incur as a result of the acts and/or omissions of service by the third-party.

–    LATIN TOURS and its associates act only as agents for passengers in matters pertaining to transportation, accommodation, or other services. As agents, tickets, exchange orders, or vouchers, if issued by LATIN TOURS, are subject to each and every term and condition under which such means of transportation, accommodation or other services are offered or provided.

–    LATIN TOURS will not be held liable for, and travelers will release LATIN TOURS from, any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be caused by any such third party, person, firm or corporation in carrying out, or failing to carry out, arrangements previously agreed upon, or for the misconduct, whether willful, criminal or otherwise, of any such third party, person, firm or corporation in providing or failing to provide services.

–    LATIN TOURS might book hotels (check section 2.2 for details); however, land-based tours are not sold or provided by LATIN TOURS due to quality control and restricted regulations. LATIN TOURS might refer providers only.


These General Conditions also apply to third parties buying services from agencies, wholesalers, and operators acting as intermediaries, via internet, or any other instrument approved by LATIN TOURS. The customer accepts the general “Terms and Conditions” published and updated by LATIN TOURS at: and declares that he/she has read, understood, and accepted them in their entirety without entitlement to claims and that he/she is fully responsible for transmitting them to end users so that they will be appraised by them.

– LATIN TOURS refuses any and every liability from any and all claims that might be filed for loss or damage to baggage or property of the passenger; personal injuries, death, or delay as a result of the acts, omissions or negligence of any independent contractor or supplier, such as, but not confined to: airlines, cruise ships, hotels, restaurants, transportation providers, and other services or facilities.

–    LATIN TOURS refuses any and every liability for any accident stemming from the practice of scuba diving, water sports, hikes on the islands or the mainland, or other activities outside our facilities. LATIN TOURS shall not be held liable for any loss, injury, death or harm unless it was caused by Latin tours negligence when using Latin tours own facilities in which case liability shall be subject to local laws and regulations.

–    LATIN TOURS may accept children as passengers, but shall not be held liable for any accident that might occur to minors. Children are the sole responsibility of their parents and/or legal guardians.

–    The passenger is responsible, and pledges to compensate LATIN TOURS, for all penalties, fines, losses of money and/or expenses incurred or imposed by virtue of any act, omission, or violation of law by the passenger and for any damage to the ship caused by any willful or negligent act or omission on the part of the passenger.

–    LATIN TOURS reserves the right to take photographs, shoot films and publish comment cards of any trip and its participants, and may use any such material for promotional and/or commercial purposes. The videos or photos that might be used by the passenger for commercial purposes require prior specific authorization from National Park authorities.

–    Passengers must be in sound health and physical condition. Trip members are responsible for selecting a trip that is within their abilities and interests, and to decide if their participation on the tour is safe as they will have to get on and off the yacht or ship from a small dinghy, swim among wildlife, rocks and in open sea, dive in the ocean, climb up and down during hikes, walk over uneven terrain, travel by maritime transportation, car and bus, and engage in adventure activities. Nevertheless, IN NO CASE SHALL LATIN TOURS BE HELD LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. LATIN TOURS reserves the right to restrict the participation of passengers on hikes if they entail any kind of imminent hazard for the passenger or other group members, and the passenger who is disembarked is fully liable for all related risks and costs.

No employee, attendant, agent or associate of LATIN TOURS may change any of the previously listed booking conditions without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.

Operation Guarantee

LATIN TOURS will endeavor to guarantee tours as far in advance as possible. Some tours, however, cannot be guaranteed until 15 days prior to departure.

Should a passenger’s program or service be cancelled due to lack of enrollment, for commercial reasons, the customer will be contacted prior to the scheduled departure date. The program or service may be re-booked, or LATIN TOURS may refund the total payment made for the service not provided.

Changes to the itinerary may be made when deemed necessary or advisable by LATIN TOURS, including substitutions for comparable hotels, yachts or vessels, attractions, sightseeing or transportation units. Extra costs due to unexpected changes to the itinerary for reasons beyond our control are not included. (If an upgrade is required, higher rates may apply.)

Any major changes will be advertised as soon as possible before departure. The user may choose between: a) accepting the change, b) accepting any alternative tour offered, or c) a refund for the service not given. Refunds will be made as a credit note directly to the tour operator involved, or the paying party (check section 2.4 for details). If the customer decides to take the alternative offered, no further refunds or credit will be allowed unless so specified in writing. LATIN TOURS will not be held liable for any further claims. To uphold the safety and security standards that are required and to improve services, maintenance of units and dry dock might be effected without prior notice.

If it is not possible for LATIN TOURS to operate the contracted cruise or tour for causes beyond its control, within 24 hours after the departure date, the cruise/tour may be cancelled and the money paid will be refunded. In case of damage to the ship, which cannot be repaired within 24 consecutive hours, LATIN TOURS will refund the proportional amount paid from the time the ship was disabled or the tour operation cancelled. In cases of force majeure or for commercial reasons, LATIN TOURS is entitled to provide a similar ship/yacht, price, or tour arrangement, if available, and reserves the right to substitute it for a similar one, with or without prior notice.

In force majeure situations, LATIN TOURS reserves the right to withdraw a tour either completely or any part of it, to make alterations as deemed necessary, and to pass on to tour members any outlays caused by delays or events beyond its control.

All airfares, taxes, schedules, ports of departure, time of arrival/departure and special programs are subject to change without prior notice. Local flights allow one piece of checked soft luggage weighing 20 kilograms.

The itineraries are subject to change without prior notice or can be operated in a different sequence. 

Mainland tour itineraries are also subject to change when there are bad weather conditions, strikes, natural events, or force majeure events beyond Latin tours control, or if a minimum number of participants is not secured. LATIN TOURS reserves the right to change the itineraries and offer the best available alternative for passengers. On dates including, but not limited to, religious holidays and national celebrations, some churches, museums, monuments and sites may be closed.

There is no guarantee that specific wildlife shall be observed during a particular mainland tour or cruise. All sightings and optional activities are subject to environmental, and operational conditions and passengers’ physical conditions.

Any independent arrangements that the passenger may partake locally, that are not included in the program contracted with LATIN TOURS, but are rather provided by an independent airline, operator, or local supplier, shall be the passenger’s sole responsibility, who is fully liable for all related risks and costs that must be paid directly to the organizer. LATIN TOURS does not supervise or control this portion of the program and cannot be held liable for delays and expenses arising from any act or omission of the organizer, or any other party connected with it. Therefore, LATIN TOURS reserves the right to decline the provision of services in connection with passenger’s independent arrangements.

LATIN TOURS reserves the right to change transportation and guides during the tour in case of force majeure, maintaining quality standards. Trust LATIN TOURS, expert tour operators in Peru.

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